Coaching Supervision

Coaching Supervision

Provide professional support for those who have coaching responsibilities.

It is an opportunity for both internal and external coaches to enhance their skills, reflect on their practice and ensure consistency and quality.

Coaching Supervision can help those responsible for coaching others to:

  • Develop coaching skills

  • Opportunity for coaches to reflect on themselves and their coaching practice

  • Confidentially review and uncover ethical issues

  • Explore unconscious behaviours or biases

  • Maintain and raise standards of coaching across the organisation

  • Building resilience, manage boundaries and reduce burnout

All coaches have blind spots and can get caught up in unconscious dynamics with clients. We give coaches a safe and confidential space to engage in reflective conversation, helping them to build awareness of their own reactions and responses.

Building regular supervision into a coaching practice means coaches can work more effectively and safely with their clients. Coaching can be a challenging activity and, just as anyone can benefit from coaching and reflection, coaching supervision offers an opportunity to help coaches reflect on their practice, develop their skills, resurrect old techniques and even rekindle their passion for helping others.

Coaching Supervision is required as part of the Code of Ethics/Practice for members of AC, ICF or EMCC.

Coaching Supervision is ideal for those with responsibility for coaching others:

  • Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches

  • L&D Managers/Business Partners

  • HR Managers/Business Partners

  • Managers

  • Internal/Peer coaches

  • Recently qualified coaches new to practice

  • Qualified coaches running their own coaching practice

We provide both group supervision and individual supervision. However, to ensure maximum coach to coachee confidentiality within your practice, our group supervision includes individual supervision.

Individual Coaching Supervision pays particular attention to developing confidence and fine-tuning skills.

Group Coaching supervision helps identify trends and issues within the organisation and enables internal coaches to support each other. The frequency of Coaching Supervision sessions is dependent on the number of clients an internal or external coach has but typically sessions occur every 8 to 12 weeks.

We take "walk-ins" for individual coaching supervision...well, almost. We try to keep slots free and aim to be able to provide a one off 60 minute session with just 1 working day's notice.

Contact us for more details.